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March 17, 2014

When I Was Eleven

When I was eleven, I told my mum
I wanted to be twenty seven. She said
"Child, you've got to appreciate life
one day at a time. Treasure it,
make sure it's worth the climb."

When I was twelve, I found a book,
in a library, on a shelf. It said
"Poor are those who do not have
enough time to smile, for smiling
is what makes this life worthwhile."

When I was thirteen, I stumbled on
a place in between, what I know
and what I still have to discover,
a hummingbird in reverse,
way too excited to hover.

When I was fourteen, I watched
a movie on the big screen. Boy
meets girl and then girl died.
But that is no excuse for not
opening your heart open wide.

When I was fifteen, a fortune cookie
from an old vending machine told me
that rivers need springs, that if you
want to get anywhere, you've got
to grow yourself a pair of wings.

So I did.

And now here we are, ten years later,
small talking with a mediocre translator.
I call home at twenty o' seven, wishing
I could go back to when I was eleven.